Correction policy
Balobaki Check
If you feel that we have made a mistake or omission in any of our articles, or if something needs to be changed for better understanding, please send it to us. We remain open and grateful for any contribution that may help us improve our work.
If you feel that we have made a mistake or omission in one of our articles, or if something needs to be changed for better understanding, please let us know. We remain open and grateful for any contribution that may help us to improve our work.
Please send your comments, corrections and complaints to
You can also help by making your comments as clear as possible so that we can understand exactly what your concerns are. Also, add links to reference documents or data open to the public.
You can submit your comments in the comment section under an article, in an e-mail or on WhatsApp +243 859 167 887.
Queries submitted through these channels are reviewed daily by a member of the Balobaki Check team.
We will let you know as soon as we have taken your comments into account, if we make a change to our Fact-checking article in response. If we decide to make a change, it will be specified in the article. In the case of a factual error, a note entitled ‘CORRECTION’ will be added to the article, stating in particular what has been changed – In the case of clarifications or updates, a note entitled ‘UPDATE’ will be added, with an explanation of what has been changed.